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16 July 2024

UCAB news


Concentration of plant protection agents market is growing

At the same time with the growth of plant protection agents market, grows also consumers loyalty to key players of the sector.



Ukraine earns about 16 bln USD on the export of potato chips

For three years Ukrainian producers have been increasing export of potato chips. While import have reduced doubly.



Increase of normative money estimation and expenses for resowing of winter crops can stop agribusiness development

Increase of normative money estimation of agricultural lands in 1,756 times will cause farmers to additional expenses in amount 4,4 bln UAH in 2012.



Corn becomes the main bread of Ukrainian farmers

Corn production in Ukraine has been rising for already 10 years. The gross yield of this cereal has grown from 3.6 million tons in 2001 to a record of 22.5 million tons in 2011. However, Ukrainian farmers aren’t going to rest on their laurels, but to increase the areas under corn for yield 2012. According to estimates of Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” (UCAB) the areas under corn for yield 2012 could be expanded up to 4,5 mln ha (+25% of the areas in 2011), gross yield could become 25 mln tons.



Sharp drop in poultry livestock is caused by sales market narrowing

For the first time in several years there was a sharp reduction of poultry livestock in farms that have influenced on the overall reduction of livestock in the country.



UCAB facilitates the exchange of experience between Ukrainian and international horticultural producers

Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB) and Agency «AgriEvent» gave 15 representatives of Ukrainian horticultural producers a unique opportunity to visit the leading international fruits & vegetables exhibition «FruitLogistica», which will take place in Berlin from the 8th to the 10th of February 2012 , and to get acquainted with the activities of leading horticultural German enterprises for free.



Agrotrade Group became a member of UCAB

"Agrotrade Group is a member of several business associations. Activities of UCAB is an example of the successful dialogue between business and government, union of the interests of Ukrainian agribusiness representatives, "- said Vsevolod Kozhemyako, CEO of Agrotrade.



Alex Lissitsa represented Ukraine at Euromoney Central and Eastern European Forum

President of the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB) Alex Lissitsa represented Ukraine at the 17th annual Euromoney Central and Eastern European Forum, which was held 17-18 January, 2012 in Vienna (Austria).



UCAB to sign an agreement with IAMO at International Green Week in Germany

In the framework of the International Green Week (Berlin, Germany), Association «Ukrainian Agribusiness Club» (UCAB) together with the Ukrainian Embassy in Germany and the Eastern Committee on Economic Relations organizes an Evening of the Ukrainian Agribusiness.



Agricultural company Harmelia became a member of UCAB

Agricultural company Harmelia (Kharkiv region) became a member of the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club" (UCAB).

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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