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17 July 2024

UCAB news


Oleksandr Bakumenko held personal meeting with UCAB members

On October 30, the first GR meeting of the companies-members of the Association “Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” was held with Oleksandr Bakumenko, Deputy Head of VRU Committee on Agrarian Policy and Land Relations.



Ukraine became one of the three largest exporters of walnuts

As a result of 2016, Ukraine exported 27 thous. tons of peeled nuts to the amount of USD 65 million.



UCAB prices

The seasonal peak of vegetable production ends in Ukraine

As predicted, in September the vegetable prices showed a downward price trend. The onion fell in price most of all (-9%), while potato and beet prices decreased by 1%. The offer increase of apples led to the price drop of 18%. Meat and milk increased in price by 2%-4%. The group of grocery products has remained unchanged.



bussines index agri ucab

Ucab Agriculture Business Climate dropped in August 2017

Kyiv, 13th September 2017. August survey on Agriculture Київ, 13 вересня, 2017 р. Дослідження аграрного бізнес-клімату у серпні 2017 року продемонструвало погіршення у сприйнятті сільськогосподарськими виробниками їхніх бізнес-результатів та бізнес-перспектив в Україні. У порівнянні до лютого 2017 р., оцінка поточної бізнес-ситуації критично погіршилась, проте оцінка бізнес перспектив зменшилась незначно. Порівняння з результатами серпня 2016 р., коли Business Climate demonstrates weakening of perception of agricultural producers about their business performance and opportunities in Ukraine. In light of this evaluation, compared to February 2017, the estimates of the current situation decreased tremendously, whereas business expectations for the upcoming year dropped just slightly. In addition, comparison with the estimates of August 2016 (when Agriculture Business Climate boosted significantly) results in a rather poor evaluation of the current business climate in agriculture of Ukraine.



Ucab AgriSchool talked about the Israeli technology of dairy cattle breeding

On September 18, the third module of AgriSchool of "Dairy Cattle Management" was held in Kyiv, devoted to the Israeli technologies of dairy cattle breeding and flock management.



Victor Bobrovsky Ukraine biogas agriKomp

Ucab Victor Bobrovsky says Ukraine has great potential in biogas production

The use of biogas plants is difficult to overestimate for the current agribusiness. Their application helps to reduce the environmental impact by limiting greenhouse gas emissions. Denmark has a leading place among the industrialized countries in the production of biogas. Biogas occupies up to 18% of total energy balance of this country. Germany also occupies the leading place in the number of medium and large biogas plants (8 thous. on its territory). In Western Europe, at least half of all farms are heated by biogas. Biogas is a universal fuel that can be burned in boilers or used in special installations for the production of electricity and heat.



Ucab Level of investments in agricultural sector exceeded the pre-crisis period

Following on from the results of I quarter of 2017 level of investment in the agricultural sector reached USD 403 million and exceeded pre-crisis period. Pace of investment growth is recovered evidencing positive expectations of agricultural companies.



Ukraine is strengthening control over illegal trafficking of chemicals

Ucab Ukraine is strengthening control over illegal trafficking of chemicals

Association ‘UCAB’ will join the interagency working group that will work on implementation and to bring our standards in line with the provisions of the World Agreement on Control of Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade (Rotterdam Convention). Illegal trafficking of chemicals



UCAB land Hroysman

Ucab UCAB participated in working meeting on agricultural land turnover

Meeting of the representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to land reform was held today. The working conference was chaired by Volodymyr Hroisman, the Prime Minister of Ukraine. The meeting was attended by people's deputies, representatives of industry associations, farmers and owners of land shares.



UCAB Taras Vysotskyi

Ucab UCAB became member of commission on the list of domestic machinery and equipment which cost is partially compensated by proceeds of the state budget

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine dated May 18 this year approved personal composition of the commission on formation of the list of domestic machinery and equipment for agriculture complex the cost of which is partially compensated by the proceeds of state budget.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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