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21 July 2024


Poroshenko dissolves Verkhovna Rada, early elections to be held on October 26

Poroshenko dissolves Verkhovna Rada, early elections to be held on October 26

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has terminated the powers of the Verkhovna Rada of the seventh convocation, reads a statement posted on the Twitter page of the head of state.



Yatseniuk: Cabinet introduces institute of Ukrainian Trade Representative

Yatseniuk: Cabinet introduces institute of Ukrainian Trade Representative

The Ukrainian Government is to adopt a decision on the introduction of the institute of the Trade Representative of Ukraine, Government Portal says quoting the Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk as reporting at the Gov’t meeting on Wednesday, August 20.



Finance Ministry proposes to IMF to combine tranches

Finance Ministry proposes to IMF to combine tranches

The Finance Ministry approached the International Monetary Fund with a proposal to combine the third and fourth tranches of the stand-by loan and to allocate them as one payment.



Offer for imported dairy products on the market has decreased

Offer for imported dairy products on the market has decreased

According to the Mìnistry of Incomes, for the first seven months of the year Ukraine has imported dairy products totaling 114 mln USD. Although it is only 2% less than the analogous period of the previous year, but in natural expression this reduction in imports was quite significant. Such estimation has been done by the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” (UCAB).



Ukrainian parliament to ratify agreement with EU in near future

Ukrainian parliament to ratify agreement with EU in near future

The Verkhovna Rada will ratify the Association Agreement with the European Union in the near future, NRCU reports quoting the Ukrainian Parliament Speaker Oleksandr Turchynov as speaking while sharing an interview with Baltic news agency BNS.



Transferring parts of the agricultural enterprises to the common tax system will reduce the harvest by a third

Transferring parts of the agricultural enterprises to the common tax system will reduce the harvest by a third

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine initiated a revision of taxation system in the field of agriculture. The last suggestion implies to transfer those agricultural enterprises which have over 20 mln UAH of annual revenue and more than 3 ths hectares of farmlands to the common system of taxation. According to the calculations done by the Association "Ukrainian Agribusiness Club” (UCAB) adoption of this innovation in the long term perspective could lead to reduction of grain and legume crops harvest by 29.6% and put losses at more than 24 bln UAH.



Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance restricted imports of Ukrainian products almost for $1 billion

Russia has already prohibited imports of such Ukrainian commodity headings as confectionery products, milk and dairy products, live pigs, juices, fruit, canned fruit, vegetables and fish, maize grits, soybeans and soybean meal, sunflower seeds, potatoes and onions.



USDA improves forecast for Ukrainian 2014 grain harvest by 2.5%

USDA improves forecast for Ukrainian 2014 grain harvest by 2.5%

The U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in August improved its forecast for the grain harvest in Ukraine in 2014 by almost 2.5%, to 58.5 million MT.



20 Ukrainian sugar plants thermal stations are to be conversed to alternative energy sources

20 Ukrainian sugar plants thermal stations are to be conversed to alternative energy sources

As to Government Portal, as of Aug 13, the Ukrainian Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food held a meeting on conversion of the domestic sugar plants’ thermal stations to alternative energy sources’ usage; the meeting was chaired by the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Igor Shvaika.



Beef exports to the EU will be impossible without changes in legislation

Beef exports to the EU will be impossible without changes in legislation

To enter the EU market with agricultural agricultural products Ukraine should urgently amend legislation, having harmonized it with the European one. In particular, we are talking about adopting the bill “On amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine regarding animals identification and registration» No.4987-1 of 16 June2014. Currently, it is extremely important for the livestock industry development and for searching new markets. After all, trade problems with the Russian Federation resulted in significant casualties and significant damage for producers.

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