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13 September 2024


European Commission urged to address grain price volatility

THE European Commission is to be asked to intervene in cereal markets.



Economy ministry issues eight licenses for raw sugar imports

The Ukrainian Economy Ministry has issued eight licenses for the privileged import of 184,300 tons of raw sugar, Deputy Economy Minister Viktor Panteleyenko has said.



Grain stock lower year-over-year

As of December 1, Ukraine stored 20.9 million tons of grain (13% less compared with the year before), including 9.4 million tons of wheat, 4.6 million tons of barley, 4.7 million tons of maize, 800,000 tons of rye, the State Statistics Committee has said.



Brazil Submits EU Trade Concern To WTO

The Brazilian Beef Exporters Association (ABIEC) is to submit a trade specific concern request to the World Trade Organization to assess the European Commission’s (EU’s) denial to simplify the Brazilian Cattle Traceability System (SISBOV) farm certification system.



China's big crop guesses may be down to false data

Beijing's estimates of huge grains harvests this year may be based on false information, US staff have said, warning of big drops in China's corn and wheat output.



Russia: grain transshipment for 11 months in Novorossiysk port to total 8.2 mln tonne

The freight turnover of Novorossiysk sea trading port for January-November 2009 totaled 78.8 mln tonnes, up 6% or 4.47 mln tonnes fron the transshipment volume for the same period last year.



Bunge Begins Construction of New Soybean Processing Plant in Vietnam

Bunge Vietnam, the wholly owned subsidiary of Bunge Limited (NYSE:BG), announced today it has commenced construction within the Phu My Port complex of a $100 million integrated soybean processing plant – the first of its kind in Vietnam.



Аrea sown with winter grains under the harvest 2010 3.7% up from the last year index

As the State Statistics Committee data shwo, the area sown with winter grains under harvest 2010 in the farms of all categories is 3.7% up from the same index of the previous year, in particular grains for seeds (304.900 ha).



Agrarians attract UAH 5.7bln loans

As of December 3, 2009, the Ukrainian farm producers have raised UAH 5.7 billion of credit resources (USD 1 - UAH 7.97), 36% of the attracted funds year-over-year, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy has reported.



Alcohol and sugar to be removed from free trade agreement

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has submitted a draft law to exclude several categories of goods from the free trade agreement between Ukraine and Moldova. In particular, it concerns sugar and ethyl alcohol. This move is taken due to Ukraine's WTO obligations.

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