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13 September 2024


WEA reports on Australian wheat market's transition

Wheat Exports Australia (WEA) released on Dec. 21 its inaugural Report for Growers, which provides growers with information on the operation of the Wheat Export Accreditation Scheme and an analysis of wheat exports during the 2008-09 marketing year.



European Dairy Industry: A Look At 2009

The European Milk Board takes a look at what the dairy industry has achieved over the last 12 months.



Canada. SRC Tests Biodiesel in Agriucultural Equipment

The Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) is leading a biodiesel pilot project to demonstrate how well the renewable fuel performs year-round in agriculture equipment.



During ten months of 2009, Ukraine increased grain share in the general commodity exports

In January-October of 2009, commodity exports from Ukraine totaled 31.65 bln USD, imports – 35.9 bln USD, which totaled 53.5% and 47.6% compared to January-October of 2008 respectively.



Pig complex launched in Cherkassy region

A pig complex Zolotonoshsky Bekon has been launched in the Cherkassy region. The complex will employ 120 people. In 2010, the livestock of the establishment is intended to be increased from 15,000 to 40,000 pigs. Later, a meat-processing plant will be built.



Quota for Russian ammonia transportation set at 1.76mln tons for 2010

A quota for Russian ammonia transportation via Ukrainian ammonia line in 2010 is set at 1.76 million tons, the Industrial Policy Ministry press service informed.



Ukrros launches costs reduction program

The sugar union Ukrros intends to invest USD 7.5mn in 2010 to transfer its seven plants from gas to coal. According to experts, the project will help to substantially reduce sugar beet processing and prime cost of sugar production by 10-20%.



Ukrzaliznytsya to cancel benefits for chemical, metallurgical companies

The national railway operator, the company Ukrzaliznytsya, is planning to cancel all benefits for freight traffic for enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex and the chemical industry starting from 1 March 2010.



Foreign trade turnover between Kazakhstan and Ukraine decreased by 20 %

Foreign trade turnover between Kazakhstan and Ukraine for nine months of this year has decreased by 20 %. The Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Ukraine and Moldova, Amangeldy Zhumabaev, informed in an interview to the Ukrainian edition Economic News ("i"), Kazakhstan Today agency reports.



UK wheat farmers may be wise to sell now

UK farmers may be wise to sell wheat for both 2009 and 2010 harvests at current levels, Savills has said in a note foreseeing that two new ethanol plants will have a "relatively small" influence on prices.

  • Baker TILLY
  • Agroresurs
  • Limagrain
  • Zeppelin
  • Amazone
  • LNZ Group
  •  Agricom Group
  • horsch
  • uahk
  • Сygnet
  • Syngenta
  • Agco
  • Agroregion
  • Eridon
  • MHP
  • Maschionet
  • Maisadour
  • DuPont Pioneer
  • Agroscop
  • Agrimatco
  • NCH Advisors
  • Continental farmers Group
  • credit agricole
  • claas
  • john deer
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