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07 September 2024


Russia to import grain volumes

According to the materials of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, which the Ministry announced last week, in the current year grain imports to the country will face the increase to the level of 2.5– 3 mln tonnes as opposed to 0.6 mln tonnes last year.



Ukraine, Kazakhstan presidents discuss prospects for bilateral relations

The presidents of Ukraine and Kazakhstan, Viktor Yanukovych and Nursultan Nazarbayev, have discussed by phone the prospects for strengthening bilateral relations, the press service of the Ukrainian president reported on Thursday.



Odessa port launches grain handling facility

The new grain cargo transshipment complex started operating on the territory of state-owned Odessa Commercial Sea Port (OCSP, Ukraine), the Port Authority press release said. The handling facility was commissioned a day before, at a ceremony attended by the Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications of Ukraine Oleg Bondar.



Ministry of Economy vows positive trade balance at USD 300mn

The Ministry of Economy predicts a positive trade balance of USD 300 million by the end of the year, Deputy Minister of Economy Valeriy Muntiyan told reporters on Thursday.



Ukraine. MHP: Unaudited Financial Results for the Second Quarter and Six Months Ended 30 June 2010

MHP S.A. ("MHP" or the "Company", LSE ticker: "MHPC"), one of the leading agro-industrial companies in Ukraine, focusing on the production of poultry and the cultivation of grain, today announces its unaudited results for the second quarter and the six months ended 30 June 2010.



Ukraine ready to support free trade zone in Belarus

Ukraine is not going to join the Customs Union, but it is ready to support the formation of the free trade zone in Belarus, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Belarus Roman Bezsmertny told a press conference on 18 August.



Sugar still freely traded between Belarus and Ukraine

If the previous intergovernmental agreements between Belarus and Ukraine stay in place, Ukraine will not apply any sanctions to Belarusian sugar and sugar will not be removed from free trade procedures. The statement was made by Roman Bezsmertny, Ambassador of Ukraine to Belarus, at a press conference on 18 August.



Ukraine. GDP Up By 6% In Q2

According to the preliminary data of the State Statistics Committee, in April-June 2010, the gross domestic product increased by 6%, compared to the same period of 2009, the State Statistics Committee has reported.



Russia may have to import 5m tons of grain in 2010-2011

Russia may have to import more than 5 million tons of grain in 2010-2011, Russian business daily Vedomosti quoted a source close to the Agriculture Ministry as saying on Thursday.



Ukraine: Nibulon to be the only terminal accepting grains

To date, the Agricultural Limited Liability Company Nibulon terminal is the only terminal, which continues grain accepting from Ukrianian agrarians. According to the press-service of the company, as of August 17, the terminal has a traffic block of 1 thsd trucks with grain.

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