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26 July 2024


Agricultural products increased in Ukraine

Volumes of gross agricultural production increased by 7.4% in the first half of 2012 compared with the same period of the last year, director of economic development department of the agricultural market Serhiy Kvasha said, the press service of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food reported



100,000 tons of fish caught in Ukraine for 7 months - statistics

In January-July 2012, enterprises and businessmen engaged in fishing activities caught and produced a total of 100,000 tons of fish and other aquatic resources, which is 1.9% more compared to the same period in 2011, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine reported.



Sergiy Tigipko: The Government will set up a company to support exporters

The Government is going to create a state company that will be providing guarantees for export contracts to large Ukrainian producers.



Ukraine: experts reduced the forecast of grain exports by 8.4%

In the current MY, the exports of grains from Ukraine will total 20.3 mln tonnes, as opposed to the previous forecast of 22.2 mln tonnes, declared the press-service of the interdepartmental working group of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food, Ukrainian Grain Association and the State Statistics Service on August 17, 2012.



Mykola Prysyazhnyuk: The state is going to provide financial support to insurance of agricultural crops

This year it has been provided an introduction of state financial support to insurance of agricultural crops that will make it possible to minimize farmers’ losses. This was reported by Mykola Prysyazhnyuk, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food during a meeting board of Agrarian Policy Ministry.



Ukraine earned 5 billion U.S. dollars on agricultural products in January-July

Exports of agricultural products in January-July this year amounted to 9.1 billion U.S. dollars, while imports during the same period amounted to 4.2 billion U.S. dollars. Thus, a positive net balance of foreign trade in agricultural products amounted to about $ 5 billion, which is 60% higher than in 2011.



Mykola Azarov: There are no reasons for increasing sugar prices

DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION OF THE SECRETARIAT OF THE CMU There are no reasons to increase the price of sugar. This was declared by Prime Minister Mykola Azarov in an interview to the Ltava broadcasting company in Poltava.



Oil production 5% up in July - State Statistics Service

Ukraine reduced the production of crude oil in July 2012 by 5% or 10,000 tons, compared with July 2011, to 195,000 tons, according to the State Statistics Service.



Direct foreign investments 15.6% up in H1 in Ukraine- State Statistics Service

n H1, 2012, foreign investors made direct foreign investments (equity capital) at USD 3.224 billion in the Ukrainian economy. As compared with indexes over the same period of the previous year, (USD 2.788 billion), investments grew by 15.6%. The State Statistics Service of Ukraine informs.



Ukraine: as of August 1, grain stocks grew by 1% compared to last year – State Statistics Service

As of August 1, 2012, agricultural enterprises (except of small ones), and grain storage and processing enterprises in Ukraine stocked 20.2 mln tonnes of grains (including 13.2 mln tonnes of wheat, 4 mln tonnes of barley, 1.7 mln tonnes of maize, 0.4 mln tonnes of rye), an increase of 1% compared to the same date in 2011, reported the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.

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